KIDDERMINSTER Harriers Independent Supporters Trust say that a full house on Saturday would raise around £100,000 for the crisis-club.

Aggborough has a 6,250 capacity and they host Altrincham on Saturday in Blue Square Bet Premier.

And KHIST board member Karl Davies believes a full house at Aggborough will bring the club almost two-thirds of the £155,000 required to save them from a Company Voluntary Agreement.

"With ticket sales, programme sales and everything else a full house would bring in around £100,000," Davies said. "So we urge everyone to get to Aggborough on Saturday and help save the club."

Harriers director Keith Chandler is refusing to throw in the towel as the clock ticks on the club's survival.

The Pershore-based architect says that the directors will battle on to try and prevent the club from falling into a Company Voluntary Agreement (CVA).

Harriers require £155,000 by lunchtime today to keep them from trying to arrange a CVA.

"There have been too many false dawns, but we are battling all the way," Chandler said.

"It's not over until it is over - that is all I can say at the moment."

Chandler said that the directors of the club will meet at 2.30pm this afternoon to discuss all the options open to them at that time.

KHIST, meanwhile, have been frantically raising funds to try and save the club.

KHIST have been receiving donations throughout the night in bid to try and help raise the £155,000 required by lunchtime today to prevent the Aggborough outfit falling into a Company Voluntary Agreement.

Twitter and media campaigns have helped the supporters group raise more than £10,000 since last night, with £1,000 worth of donations coming in the space of 15 minutes this morning.

To join KHIST it costs just £1 for adults, 50p for under 16s and £30 for corporate membership.

To donate visit the supporters’ group website

There will be updates on Harriers' plight throughout the day on