THE future of Kidderminster Harriers is set to be decided tomorrow after revealing they require more than £150,000 by lunchtime.

The crisis club need £155,000 on top of their regular income streams to survive until the end of the season.

However, should they fail to raise the cash, the Aggborough outfit will try to arrange a Company Voluntary Agreement (CVA) in a bid to safeguard Harriers’ future.

But, with the club’s bank account frozen over the weekend, there is some doubt as to whether they could even finance a CVA.

If Harriers, who are one point off the Blue Square Bet Premier play-off places, entered a CVA, they would be deducted 10 points.

The Worcestershire club are due at the High Court in London on February 23 to face a winding-up petition from HM Revenue and Customs for an unpaid tax bill of £16,000.

But if a CVA could be agreed, which may take up to two weeks, then the hearing would be postponed.

“We are in the 59th second of the 59th minute in the 11th hour,” director Keith Chandler said.

“Vice-chairman Wayne Allen and myself are on the phone from 6am trying to save the club.

“I know Wayne was hoping to make some progress in finding investment for Kidderminster Harriers.”

But the Pershore-based architect warned Harriers could fall into administration should they fail to finance a CVA.

“I don’t know how much exactly we need to finance a CVA but it is substantially less than £155,000,” he said.

“If we can’t do that, then we could be facing administration or worse.”

If Harriers went into a CVA, they would have to pay all debts in full over a maximum of three years and their football creditors by the end of the season to avoid being thrown out of the Conference.

Kidderminster Harriers Independent Supporters’ Trust (KHIST) raised £2,300 at Saturday’s home clash with Bath and, alongside gate receipts from a 1,500 crowd, the staff and players have received some of their January wages.

KHIST board member Karl Davies said: “We are all trying to save the club and not think about the worst-case scenario.

“We have seen an increase in our membership over the past few days — even a few Bath fans signed up on Saturday.”

To join KHIST, it costs £1 for adults, 50p for under 16s and £30 for corporate membership.

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