EVERYONE has a story to tell when it comes to why they support their football team.

Often it is family-related or because their school friends followed the same team. In my case, Yeovil Town, it is because I grew up there.

Yet, Simon Gregory, who makes a regular pilgrimage from West Wickham in Kent to follow Worcester City, has a tale different to most.

His rationale behind supporting the St George’s Lane club is akin to sticking a pin in a map at random.

Looking for a team to follow as a teenager, he chose them simply because he liked the name.

Well, if it’s good enough for Tom Hanks — the Hollywood star supports Aston Villa for the same reason — then it’s good enough for 52-year-old Gregory.

“I’ve been supporting Worcester City since I was a teenager,” he said. “I was born and bred in Bromley in Kent and most of my friends at the time supported either Crystal Palace or Bromley.

“I was never really interested in professional football and didn’t find it particularly friendly. I went along to Bromley and didn’t find that particularly friendly either.

“I picked Worcester mainly because I liked the name, I had never been to the place and didn’t know anything about it.

“I saw they were doing quite well in the Southern League at the time and I have supported them ever since.

“I was always made to feel welcome when I came down here to start with back in the 70s. I haven’t been that often but I have always felt welcome.”

Being primary carer to his parents limited the amount of games he could attend for a number of years, but he has been a regular in recent seasons, particularly at away games.

Gregory, who has 3,000 shares in the club, said: “I like going to places I’ve never visited before, I’ve not been far north so a lot of towns I am visiting are new to me.

“I like the travel as well as having the bonus of the football.

“I see the same set of fans who go to the away games, they are a great bunch of lads and I thoroughly enjoy going along. I just feel at home now.”

Gregory, who works for a stockbrokers in the city of London, travels to games by train and even made the trip to the postponed fixture at Workington last month.

He said: “Because I had never been to that part of the world before, I took the Friday off and travelled up to Carlisle and booked into a hotel.

“I was gutted it was called off but more so because I couldn’t get back to Carlisle in time to watch their game.”

Gregory also endured a wasted trip the week before, having arrived at St George’s Lane to find the Alfreton game had been called off.

But Saturday’s 2-0 victory over Boston United more than made up for that.

“Saturday was a brilliant match,” he said. “We seem to up our game against the better teams and struggle against the teams I think we should beat.”

He added: “If I judge it on the first half of the season I think we’ll most probably finish up mid-table at best.”