Worcester RFC have introduced a new coaching line-up for their senior men's team ahead of the 2024-25 season.

This new set up will see club members take varied roles across the coaching structure to develop the team.

Recent seasons saw head coach Jonny Arr and forwards' coach Kurt Schonert take on similar responsibilities.

An experienced former player and club lead coach, Gordon Ross, will now guide the players.

Mr Ross is a former Scotland fly-half who has represented his country in the 2003 Rugby World Cup, won 25 caps, and played for clubs including Edinburgh, Leeds Tykes, Castres, Saracens, and London Welsh.

He has spent five years coaching with Worcester Warriors and will now combine his role with Coventry in the new position at Worcester RFC.

James Swain will assist with forwards, Jon Cranton will focus on defence, and Nathan Pierce will work closely with the backs and attack.

Other supporting members include head of rugby at RGS Worcester, Rob Lewis, former senior player, Alex Peel, level 3/ERACA coach, Gavin Vickers, and transition coach, Paul Atkins will.

Mr Vickers, director of rugby, said: "This is a radical change in focus and approach that will see the club going back to our DNA of being competitive in all areas of the game, playing instinctive attacking rugby and developing talent from within the club and city.

"Part of that is a larger coaching team with diverse playing and coaching experience, headed by Gordon and I’m very excited about its potential."

Bruce Canty will be team manager and his responsibility will be player welfare.

The club is currently welcoming new players to join training sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays evenings 7pm to 8.30pm.

Those interested are encouraged to get in touch with director of rugby, Gavin Vickers by emailing dor@wrfc.info.

He will provide all required information about the club and the upcoming season.