A Worcester care home is getting its running shoes on and opening its doors for an upcoming sports day.

Care UK's Perry Manor will be in Olympic fever when it hosts its own version of the games on Wednesday, July 24, from 2.30pm to 4pm.

The event coincides with the home's 10th-anniversary celebrations, and is part of The Big Care UK Sports Day, where over 130 care homes across the UK hold similar sporting events.

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Activities will include the egg-and-spoon, three-legged and torch relay races, with winners set to be awarded with gold medals.

The games aim to encourage residents to live fulfilling lives and enhance their physical and mental wellbeing.

Katherine Matthews, home manager at the home, said: "The Olympics has brought about a fantastic opportunity to rediscover residents’ own sporting history and passion – and we’re keen to share this sporting fever with the local community and to celebrate an incredible 10 years."

She added: "We have some very competitive residents here, and I'm sure there will be quite a few close calls in the hunt for medals.

"We're looking forward to crowning the winners this July and marking a decade of being open in true Perry Manor fashion."

Perry Manor provides full-time residential, nursing and dementia care services.

For more information about Perry Manor or to book a place at the sports day event, contact Shilpa Odedra, Customer Relations Manager, at shilpa.odedra@careuk.com or by calling 01905 886 715.