THE empty champagne bottles haven't yet been recycled but Paul West has already started putting together his squad for next season.

Mark Owen, Anthony Watson, Joe Clarke and Nathan Vaughan are all committed to Evesham United's immediate future in the British Gas Business Premier Division.

West is also confident of securing similar agreements with captain Steve Lutz, Danny Scheppel, Daniel Lennon, Mark Hands and Gary Hay before the end of the week.

West will also offer new deals to Michael Hayden, Danny Hodnett and Steve Luckett.

The only player whose future is in doubt would appear to be defender Steven Hands, who is hoping to emigrate to Australia next year.

"I have been delighted with the individual players' responses at the challenge that lies ahead," West declared.

"For certain players, it could be an easier option to probably get better financial deals at the level below but that is a testament to their desire and hunger to test themselves at the highest level possible. I am optimistic, positive and enthusiastic about next season.

"As a manager you always have to try to keep things fresh in terms of your team. If anything, it curbs complacency within the players but I will not bring in players just for the sake of it.

"I do have a list of potential players and within that list there is a mixture of experience and young talent."