ELLIS Green hammered home seven goals and Billy Collins three as Mostyn Rangers Under Eights saw off Mostyn Lions 15-1 in the Stourport Youth League.

Daniel Nash (four) and Alex Morris (three) were on the mark for Kidderminster Lions who beat Nunnery Wood Sharks 11-2.

Nunnery Wood Scorpions drew 0-0 at Kinver Colts as they were denied by the home goalkeeper.

Sam Danvers, Ben Shuker and Louis Smith defended well for Scorpions in front of stand-in keeper Olly Twigg.

Man-of-the-match George Baker dictated the play, while Ashley Mace went close to breaking the deadlock.

Alex Hunt and James Francis battled well, while Ed Burgoyne and Josh Hadley also nearly scored.

UNDER NINES: Nunnery Wood Falcons lost 2-0 at bogey team Mostyn Rangers in Division One.

Stand-in keeper Bailey Fuller looked comfortable but Falcons' finishing was poor. Mostyn took the lead after the referee missed a foul.

Lacklustre Falcons were then denied a penalty shout for handball and Rangers grabbed a late second goal.

Ian Davies scored a treble in Kidderminster Lions Cubs' 4-0 win at Cookley Boys in Division Two.

Clubs from the Stourport and Mercian leagues are welcome to submit team pictures with names for our junior football page.

E-mail them to wensport@ worcesternews.co.uk.