CITY of Worcester Gymnastics Club members shone at the West Midlands Regional Team Apparatus competition in Birmingham.

They were second in the level two contest with Lydia Yates (vault), Ellie Shovlin (floor), Jennie Moule (bars) and Georgia Leonard (beam).

Roxanne Wharton (beam), Jane Hopcut (floor), Ellie-Mae Leonard (vault) and Sarah Owen (bars) scooped second in the level four over 11s.

Finishing second in the level four 10 and under were Emily Dyer (beam), Katherine Doltan (floor), Georgina Philips (bars) and Christina Trouton (vault). The two other teams came fourth.

The club are looking for bigger facilities for 180 members who currently train at the university.

Anybody who can help can contact Philippa Morgan or Peter Fletcher on 0121-4477582.