TOP club man Nigel Crane has started to dominate the Plough AC contests after securing first place in the last two matches.

A regular winner on the club's own pool at Cotheridge, Crane showed he can be a reckoning force on any venue when he won the first match, held at Ockeridge fishery, with an excellent weight of 71-4-0.

Taking advantage of corner peg 21 Crane took a number of carp on paste and corn offered at just five metres.

Runner-up Tom Keating used pellet bait close in on peg nine to record 42-12-0.

Club champion Andy Sanky had to settle for third this time with a weight of 42-4-0 and in fourth place came Bob Symes who had an all-carp weight of 31-3-0.

The following week Crane took the honours, this time on the normally prolific Boundary lake at Manor Farm fisheries.

Using cat meat close in on peg 39 saw Crane record a weight of just 21-4-0 which, to his amazement, was enough to win on the day.

Keating on pellet was once again relegated into second-place with a bag weight 18-8-0.

A repeat of the previous match saw Sankey third with 13-6-0, Symes fourth weighing in 12-9-0.

After a difficult match on the Severn last week, the turn out for the latest Barbourne AC contest on Woodstone Manor fishery was disappointing.

First overall was Lee Griffiths whose winning catch of 75-6-0 fell to meat and corn and included fish to eight pounds.

Neil Walker took the runner-up prize with 70-5-0 which came to red luncheon meat bait. The ever present Pete Hughes came third weighing 54-6-0.

The usual high turn out on the Portobello match found an exceptionally clear Plough AC pool in a dour mood with only four anglers managing to weigh-in anything of note.

Steve Dobbs, fishing for roach with caster bait on peg seven, found himself connected to a large fish mid match which, after a long battle, turned out to be a carp of 10-4-0 to take top spot.

Runner-up was John Tibbetts who took two carp shallow in the final hour weighing 9-10-0.

The Libbery pool at Drakes Broughton gave James Smith victory in the latest Halfway AC encounter.

The young matchman took five carp by straight ledgering meat across to an island for a weight of 22 pounds exactly.

Richard Oliver secured second prize when he netted four fish on a pellet feeder going 16-10-0.

The next Halfway AC match is on the Pershore WMC water on the river Avon.

At Moorlands Farm the Wed-nesday Over 50's was won by T Parker with 62-6-0, K Sheriff was runner-up weighing in 45-13-0.

In third place was R Baxter with 41-12-0.

S Harris won the Saturday Open with 129-0-0, while M Tooze was second with 123-10-0, while with 105-8-0, D Ravenhall finished third.

In the Sunday open M Henshall took first place with 63-5-0, second was M Djucik weighing in 60-7-0 and C Cameron finished third with 57-3-0.

All venues are feeling the effects of the weather with commercial fisheries unpredictable.

A cautious approach with corn and caster should be adopted on carp venues.