THE manner in which we came back against Wasps personifies what we are about as a group of players.

We've always said we're a close group of players, we've got a never-say-die attitude and it's great to see that coming out so early in the season.

It is something that has always been valuable to us and I was proud of the way the guys came back - it was a big ask.

It is not a new spirit in the camp - that's always been there - the manner in which we played probably typifies more where we've come from since last year. We've made some steps forward and added a bit to our game.

I'd question whether a year ago we would have had the ability to play like that in order to get out of the mess, but we've always had the will to do it. Now we are starting to learn the way to do it, which is very important.

It may be perceived that we're just trying to chuck the ball out wide more, but it isn't harem-scarem, throw-the-ball-wide, it is controlled, mixed rugby.

It is total rugby and that is what we've got to play - it is not about playing with width, it is about playing with control, playing what you see and mixing it up which is incredibly hard to defend against.

It is Shane Drahm's job to make those tough kicks - that's why he is there - and he is the first to get bagged when he misses them, so he should be first to get congratulated when he hits them.

It was a massive effort from everyone - including the guys who came off the bench - and if we're going to play this sort of rugby, then we're going to need all 22 players.

It is really important to mention Dom Feau'nati too, not just what he did on Saturday, but the manner in which he has gone about getting himself in shape and his temperament.

He is a real inspiration to everyone at the moment and he is probably the keenest bloke at the club - he is always first in and last to leave.

He has made an absolutely amazing difference to himself and he deserves absolutely everything he gets.

I think we made some improvements in training following the Bath game and we'd cut out some of the errors, but there is still a way to go.

It will be two or three games down the line before we are really starting to hit our stride, but we are looking dangerous now and our shape is good and it is threatening to other sides.

Our defence is coming into place too and things are falling into place, but getting a good side together that is playing well week in, week out is not an overnight process, but everyone is committed to it and at the moment we're moving in the right direction.

It is always tough, uncompromising and confrontational when we play Gloucester at Kingsholm - it will be eagerly-anticipated by all our players and all our fans.

These are the occasions you live for as a player.