PERSHORE Men's Firsts put in an improved display against younger, fitter opposition in a 2-1 final friendly defeat to Bournville Seconds.

A succession of misplaced passes invited the visitors to counter-attack.

But a more even balance was established with Graham Rushin and James Hughes using possession with increasing effectiveness.

When the attacks needed to be mopped up, man-of-the-match Andy Wright kept Bournville at bay.

The inevitable goal soon arrived but it seemed to spur Pershore on to new levels of effort.

Rob Handley's mazy run into the circle ended with a weak shot but was proof that Pershore were ending on a high as the half-time whistle sounded.

A tactical change saw centre forward Gareth Rushton pushed higher up the field to stretch play more.

An excellent move saw Pershore create a bit of width with captain Russell Scudamore and Rushton combining to leave Steve Ridsdale in space to slot in the equaliser.

Pershore were now approaching the level of play required and Toby Whiting came into the game more as Pershore started creating chances.

Ridsdale had the better of his marker and, with a bit more luck, would have given his side the lead.

But Bournville scored a flattering winner form a mishit short corner.