WORCESTER Table Tennis League is in danger of folding if more volunteers are not found urgently.

The league, which has three divisions of seven teams, is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year but could cease to exist next season because it is without a chairman and secretary.

A committee meeting is being held tonight to decide its future and it is possible that the 2007/08 campaign, due to run from October to next April, will not go ahead.

Doug Young, 73, resigned as chairman on June 5 while secretary of 16 years Dave Elliott also handed in his notice.

Both have given years of service to the sport but feel it is time for some new blood to take it into the future.

Young said: "I have done a stint of six years and I felt it was time that someone took over the reins.

"I am getting to the age now where I don't want the added responsibility of organising meetings.

"We have got a special meeting tonight where we will have to decide if there's anyone coming forward, whether we hold it for 12 months or whether the league folds and we call an EGM to wind it up."

Elliott added: "I am only 47 so I am not claiming over-work, it's just I think it's time for a change.

"It's a bit weary dealing with the same things and I am not sure my enthusiasm is quite what I would want it to be.

"If one puts it off the problem remains and I appreciate the longer someone is in a post it can be more daunting for someone else to take it over.

"We both said in 2006 we were willing to stand for the 2006/07 season but not for the next one but for all that it hasn't brought anyone forward."

League officials are now so dismayed they are considering sending a letter to each of the 130 members individually in a desperate bid to find help.

Young said: "Letters were sent out to the team secretaries and we have to rely on them to relay the seriousness of the situation to their members and it became clear that some were not aware it was happening.

"None of us want to see this happen but I am not prepared after all these years to step into the breach again, it's time for someone else to do it."

Both will remain involved with the league to offer advice.

Anyone interested in becoming chairman or secretary of the league can call Young on 01905-352960.