WORCESTER’S bowlers bowed out of the Vernon Turner Cup when they lost by 10 shots 82-72 to their city rivals St Dunstans at Wood Terrace.

The visitors took an early lead and led for the first eight ends 34-22.

Worcester rallied over the following two when they picked up a five and two fours to take a lead of five at the halfway stage.

Holding a slender lead until the 16th end, Worcester then conceded shots on all four rinks when St Dunstans regained an advantage of six on the 18th.

The Worcester club then increased the winning margin to 10 over their opponents.

Worcester’s only success came from the rink skipped by Rob McCaughtrie, who won by seven.

Leading the way for St Dunstans was Dave Butcher’s foursome, who after being all square at 16 ends then picked up shots to win by 12.

Always in front were the rinks led by Adie Burbridge and Dave Marchant, who won by three and two respectively.