RECENT appointment Tony Sanders held his Worcester Golf and Country Club captain’s day.

Players flocked to join in with the course full all day and teams consisted of four with two scores counting on all holes under Stableford format.

The winning team with 85 points were Duncan Macpherson, Sean Lloyd, Tony English and Martin Lewis.

Runners-up two behind were Kevin Truby, John Hallam, Stuart Duddell and his son Andrew.

Bob Hamlet, Tony Hudson, Ken Roe and Mike White were third one point behind.

Count-back sorted out the final prize with lady captain Jan Waters, Angela Pearce, Margaret-Anne Stocker and Jean Armstrong winning with a better back nine on 81.

Sean Roberts smashed the ball 318 yards down the 18th fairway to win the longest drive prize.

Nearest the pin accolades were won by Macpherson (sixth), Andrew Duddell (eighth), Geoff Taylor (11th), Margaret-Anne Stocker (13th) and Simon Gill (17th).

More than £300 was raised towards the captain’s charity fund from a raffle, which was held on the day.