WORCESTER St John’s Cycling Club stalwart Alec Davies continued his winning streak by claiming the Midlands Unsung Hero Award.

And the 92-year-old insisted he had no plans to stop volunteering after securing the BBC Sport-backed honour.

A timekeeper for the club’s time trials since 1973, Davies was nominated after winning the Sport Worcester and Sports Partnership Herefordshire and Worcestershire Unsung Hero Awards.

A public vote then proclaimed him the winner after a short film was created on each of the three finalists and played on the BBC.

Davies has now been put forward for the national accolade with the victor being revealed at the BBC Sports Personality of the Year awards night in Belfast on Sunday, December 20.

“I’m amazed to win. You don’t expect to be awarded anything at my age, so I’m very pleased,” he said.

“I joined the club in 1972 when we only had about eight or 10 members and now we have well over 100, so I’ve seen it go from practically nothing to the great club that it is now.

“I think the club deserve the plaudits for this award as they were behind my original nomination. So I’d like to thank the club for putting me forward.”

Davies has officiated at every cycling event put on by the cycling club and, despite his age, still performs his duties on Tuesday evenings during the season without fail.

He added: “Providing my health keeps up, I will continue to volunteer on a Tuesday night at the time trial events and going to as many other cycling events as I can persuade people to take me to.

“Unfortunately, I can’t ride out to events any more, so I have to rely on people to take me but that just goes to show the club spirit.

“I never have the slightest problem in finding someone who is prepared to take me out to various events. There’s a great club spirit.”

The unsung hero award rewards outstanding contribution by individuals at grassroots level.