FORMER Warriors fans’ favourite Kai Horstmann has urged Worcester fans to keep the faith with Dean Ryan, insisting he is the right man for the job at Sixways.

Back-rower Horstmann will be in the opposition camp when Warriors make the trip down the M5 to face Exeter Chiefs having swapped Sixways for Sandy Park last season.

Ex-Worcester boss Richard Hill made the surprising decision not to retain the services of the one-time England Saxons number eight and he was soon snapped up by the Devon-based Heineken Cup outfit.

However, Horstmann revealed he was probably ready to move on from Sixways anyway had Hill not taken the decision out of his hands by not offering him a new deal — a move that shocked Warriors team-mates and fans alike.

He said: “I think Dean Ryan will do well for Worcester — he’ll get them well organised and they have been unlucky with a few results this year that should have gone their way. I think it’s only a matter of time before things start to click and go their way.

“I’m sure he’s the right man for the job and, from what I’ve heard from within the camp, he’s highly respected and the guys seem to be really pleased with the detail of the coaching they’re receiving.

“I suspect it is really hard watching it as a fan because, ultimately, you want to see your team winning and you want success straight away.

“But I think that will start to happen and, when it does, it will be really good for them — as long as it doesn’t start this weekend!”

Envious glances are often cast southwards towards Sandy Park from the Sixways faithful and the question is regularly asked: “Why can’t we ‘do an Exeter’?”

However, as a man who has had a foot in both camps, Horstmann admits it is difficult to say why Worcester haven’t been able to kick on up the league as the Chiefs have.

He added: “It’s really hard to pinpoint the difference between Exeter and Worcester because there are a lot of similarities between the two clubs.

“Exeter have stuck with guys who have been with the club for long periods of time and they have a clear vision of where they want to go.

“They don’t get carried away too much — they see where they want the club to go and they are not over-reactive whether we win or lose a big game. There’s a real common goal that filters throughout the club.”

Horstmann said: “I had a bit of a shocker of an injury last season and, if you are not playing, it is hard to stake your claim. But, looking back at it, that gave us the chance to move down here and we are very settled as a family.

“It’s hard to say if I would have stayed at Worcester if I’d had the chance.

“I think it probably was time for a change. Sometimes opportunities present themselves and I’m so glad I made that choice.”