GRAB a Jab Weekend arrived in Worcester on Friday, with a pop-up vaccination centre set up at The Guildhall.

Following the government's decision to invite all adults over 18 to be vaccinated, Worcester City Council, Worcestershire County Council and the Herefordshire and Worcestershire CCG set up the site to allow walk-in vaccinations.

A steady stream of people queued throughout the day, and the site will be open again on Sunday.

Simon Trickett, chief executive of the CCG, said the number of people at the site was hugely encouraging.

He said: "It has been really busy and great that we have been able to set this up in the centre of Worcester.

"We've already had a fair few people who are in the city for other reasons stop by and take advantage, so it is really encouraging."

Mr Trickett added there had been concerns over whether people in the 18-35 year-old demographic would be willing to have the vaccine, but he said: "In hindsight, we needn't have worried.

"We are already up to around 40 per cent of the young people in the county, which is a great milestone as we try to get out of lockdown."

The walk-in vaccination centre allows anyone who has not yet had their first injection to do so.

There is no need to book, all that is required is a photo ID to confirm the person is of age.

Dr Kathryn Cobain, director of public health for Worcestershire, said it was vital as many young people come forward as possible as they are the demographic with the fastest growing rate of infection.

She said: "It is fantastic to see the way the CCG has been able to get this site up and running so quickly and for the City Council to let us use this space.

"Vaccination is the best way to protect public health and the Moderna vaccine (being offered at the Guildhall) is the best for protecting young people, so please do come forward.

"The younger age groups are getting the virus more because they haven't yet had the vaccine. Now it is their turn to protect themselves and their families."

Cllr Marc Bayliss, leader of Worcester City Council, urged more people to come forward to help the city bring Covid restrictions to an end more quickly.

He said: "We are delighted to be able to help and get more young people in for the vaccine.

"They are the age group out there working and wanting to go to bars and nightclubs, so this is the best way to get the restrictions lifted and get back out there and enjoy our lives."