The county cricket season gets underway next week, with Worcestershire’s opening game at Derby. Unless something changes with the weather snorkels and flippers may be needed.

The start of the season I always find exciting, sadly the ECB do not as the publicity for the event is almost next to nil.

A lot of people enjoy the county game, and none more so than my good friend Doreen Jackson I received the news this week the Doreen had passed away, and it was very sad news for all those that knew her as a regular at New Road.

She was always on the ground as soon as the gates opened, loved a natter but she will still be there in spirit behind the bowler’s arm at the New Road end. Doreen was what county cricket is all about, spending a day with good friends and plenty of chat. We often said if she was not there it wasn't a first class game.

I am told she was very much looking forward to the new season and meeting up with hey ‘boys’.

RIP Doreen, a New Road legend, I hope someone saves her a seat.

I mentioned last week about our trips to local ‘market’ towns, well Pershore had the pleasure of our company this week, and another thoroughly enjoyable couple of hours.

You can get two hours free parking in the square on Broad Street, the town was busy, Mrs B enjoyed the local charity shops and a cup of tea and a slice of cake in The Sugar Plum,. A delightful sort of traditional café, highly recommended.

Every time I said I was going to Pershore my granddad would say “ Pershore, god help us”. Apparently it was all to do with what a late frost would do to the fruit blossom, and of course the crop. Well, that’s what I was told.

Went to see Fisherman’s Friends in Malvern last week, great show, not on round here for a while, if it comes back I would suggest going.