SIR – The Worcestershire Literary Festival (WLF) team would like to express its huge thanks to Councillor Mike Layland as he comes to the end of his tenure as Mayor of Worcester for all the help and support he has given to the festival and for helping to promote the WLF so tirelessly this last year.

The festival starts on June 17 and we are extremely grateful to Coun Layland for attending many of our awareness raising events and for promoting the festival through his mayor’s diary in the Worcester News.

We would especially like to thank Coun Layland for making Roy McFarlane, current Birmingham Poet Laureate, so welcome on his first visit to Worcester earlier this year.

Councillor Layland’s love and enthusiasm for the city of Worcester is enormous and we hope to welcome him to the Worcestershire Literary Festival next month and to see him at some of the key events we are organising.

Festival organiser, and the Worcestershire Literary Festival team