SIR – The count on election night is always a fascinating occasion.

There is a tremendous atmosphere of tension and expectation while the candidates wait to see who has won in the magnificent setting of the Guildhall in Worcester.

This is especially true if the result is close, as it was in my Cathedral Ward this year.

When each result is announced it is greeted by a round of applause.

Of course, the supporters of each political group cheer their victories. Then the winning candidate speaks from the balcony.

Given that the voters have given them a democratic mandate, we should surely treat each speaker with respect.

After all, there are hardworking councillors in touch with their local communities from all parties and none.

It was very noticeable that Conservatives and others applauded each and every winner, regardless of party.

Labour activists studiously avoided doing so.

Indeed, the one Labour activist who did so was told by his colleagues to stop. Isn’t that rather odd?
