SIR – Re the proposed forest sell-off by the Government.

What right has any government to sell what does not belong to them?

They are supposed to be responsible temporary custodians and look after our valuable national assets during their time in office, not sell them off to private investors.

No one has asked the public whether they want this sell-off and it is widely reported that more than 80 per cent of the public are vehemently opposed to it.

If I took someone’s car and sold it without permission, I would quite rightly end up in prison.

What is the difference?

The forests were given to the people, by the people for the people. No government has any right to sell them to anyone.

And please don’t tell us we just don’t understand and the sell-off is no big deal. To me and many others it is the last straw in a long line of sell-offs.

Don’t let them use our precious national assets to help pay off the national deficit.

Act now and oppose this disgraceful action.

Support the 38 degrees website petition as 286,000-plus people already have. Visit save-our-forests.
