SIR – An indication of the contempt that current MPs have for their constituents could not be better exemplified than by Peter Luff, an MP for rural Worcestershire, supporting Conservative plans to sell off England’s forests.

This sell-off applies only to England’s assets and rural heritage. Scotland has its own government and its MPs have vowed never to dispose of Scotland’s assets in this way. Mr Luff said that the following protections are included in the negotiations: 􀁥 Enshrining in law the commitment that no heritage forests such as the New Forest or Forest of Dean can be sold to the private sector.

􀁥 Offering first refusal to community groups or civil society organisations in sales of local woodland.

Firstly, if one forest requires protection then perhaps he would explain why the remainder do not.

Secondly, it is very generous of his government to offer to sell us land that we already own, or does it belong to the Conservative Party?

Is there any doubt that England needs a parliament to look after the people of England as the Scots, Welsh and Irish look after theirs?

Oh! And Peter Luff opposes that democratic necessity also.

English Democrats Party