SIR – I refer to two court cases in the Worcester News (February 1). In one, the culprit made £700,000 from his crimes, but has been made to pay back just £130,000.

In another case, an individual was made to pay back £293.75, out of a total of, yes, £293.75, which was the value of lead he stole.

Is the judiciary sending out the wrong message? If you rob the Exchequer (and other companies) of £700,000, you’ll be made to repay less than 20 per cent. However, if you rob the local authority, we’ll make you repay it all.

The message to would-be villains? The more you take, the less the punishment.

Result? You’ll still have a nice pile of cash to live off when you get out of jail – if you get put away.

A Hollis