SIR – Pershore’s library should not only be maintained in the town centre but every effort must be made to keep the library in its present location, which as well as being central is ideally situated in a quiet part of the town.

The present library provides an excellent and wide range of services, headed by a knowledgeable and helpful full-time staff, and a popular art gallery/exhibition and meeting room which it would be very difficult to replicate in another part of the town.

Your article ‘Plan to replace town’s library with housing’ (Worcester News, February 1) quotes £130,000 for repairs to the present building, but public concern is growing locally that the figure may have been deliberately inflated to bolster the case for closing and moving the library out of the town centre.

An independent survey of the repairs needed and the cost involved would help to allay those fears.

The county council has recently launched a public consultation exercise (copies are available at the library and the town council offices for those without internet access) and it is vital that users and all those who benefit from library services make their views known.

Pershore town councillor