SIR – Regarding Brian Sutton’s letter (Worcester News, January 21) a couple of years ago your newspaper published a letter from me pointing out that Worcestershire Sauce was but a pale imitation of its former glory, which another reader was kind enough to agree with. Those who came to Worcestershire Sauce after the 1950s have never tasted the real McCoy. The immediate post-war Worcestershire Sauce always settled into two distinct layers. At the top was a semitransparent brown layer infused with the sauce’s beautiful aromatic smell.

The bottom layer settled out like very fine brown mud and that’s where the sauce’s potency lay.

On egg, bacon and chips day mothers would shout “Don’t shake the bottle”

because the shaken sauce was too potent for the young. Once the top layer had been taken off by children, the bottom layer, when sprinkled on food, was enough to set the throat of any Saturday night ‘curry gobbler’ on fire.

So what are Heinz doing? Are Canadians in British Colombia still enjoying the fiery Worcestershire Sauce of the 1950s, or is Heinz mucking about with the same virtually tasteless brown gunk we are saddled with? Perhaps Mr Sutton will tell us.
