SIR – Congratulations to everyone involved at Kays Theatre Group in the superb pantomime Beauty and the Beast at the Swan Theatre, Worcester, recently.

There is nothing better than a night out at a pantomime on a cold winter’s evening to warm the cockles of your heart.

There was something for everyone, and I’m a great believer that the judge of a good panto is not always how much the children have enjoyed it, but how much the adults have too!

From the reaction of the crowd the night that I saw the show it seemed that one and all were out for a good time and to prolong the Christmas cheer.

Kays Theatre Group works so hard for many months prior to entertaining us. Cast, crew, front of house, props, costumes, director, writer, choreographer, musical director, band (hope I haven’t left anyone out!) toil to get it ready for opening night, and once the show is on most of them do a full day’s work before heading to the theatre and then doing another three hours. I will be there next year to see Humpty Dumpty.

Worcester is very lucky to have the Swan Theatre, and to have a group like Kays still keeping that name alive to put a smile on our faces each January.

Please continue to support live theatre and have a great night out!
