SIR - I heard with relief the announcement that our local highly efficient police authority (among many others) is not to lose its identity by merging with West Midlands and the other forces.

I must agree with the sentiments expressed by Messrs Alcock and Jarvis regarding the part played by our self-serving MP in this matter.

I recall one of his very carefully worded statements which appeared to be supporting local opinion while carefully also toeing the party line - as is his wont. I was not therefore surprised to find in the Worcester News his statement that `months of lobbying and challenging have paid off' and I am sure that somehow or other he will seek to take credit for this U-turn.

We can always rely on his support of his constituents where such support does not conflict with party policies and no doubt when the destinies of Christopher Whitehead School and the Alexandra Hospital are decided a similar scenario will apply.

G Walton,
