SIR - We unite to condemn the cuts to front-line services involving 720 redundancies across Worcestershire which will have the greatest impact at Worcestershire Royal.

It takes many years to train a nurse, doctor or allied health professional and at great public expense. In all of our hospitals, clinical staff are overstretched and may work beyond their contracts because they care for patients. So can we ever afford to make any of these professionals redundant?

John Rostill, chief executive at the Worcestershire Acute Hospital NHS Trust, has stated "my job is to employ Government policy" and yet Worcester's MP Michael Foster does not blame the Government. Why do we in Worcester have to rely on Peter Luff, an MP from a neighbouring constituency to speak out?

"It is true that 15 per cent of staff will go by the end of the year," says the chief executive and according to our MP, the chairman of the trust has given assurances that "patient care will not be affected ... and there will be no adverse impact on waiting times". How can this be so? Will the remaining staff just have to work harder? Waiting for these decisions must be having a demoralising effect on the work-force and hence patient care.


(and 11 others),
