SIR – As a cyclist I understand what Bob Stone was saying (Letters page, December 3).

I see fellow cyclists going though red lights and mounting the pavement to avoid waiting at them; also, riding without lights and showing little or no road sense. But, there are just as many bad motorists as cyclists and the cyclist comes off a lot worse if there is a collision.

So here are my five points for Bob: 1, Stop using mobile phones while driving.

2, Don’t be so desperate to take a left hand turn before a cyclist.

3, Give cyclists more room.

4, Take more care when pulling out of side roads.

5, Cyclists are not the enemy.

I had reason to remonstrate with a motorist recently who pulled out of a side road without looking. I knocked on her window and told her what she had done. She said she was sorry. I replied: “Don’t be sorry, be safe.”

I have been sworn at when I have told a fellow cyclist not to go though a red light, so I know what the behaviour of some cyclists must look like to the motorist, but two wrongs don’t make a right.

I am the mother of two teenage girls who rely on me, so next time you see a cyclist take care.

Pip Shirley,