Sir – John Shearon (Worcester News, November 20) hits the nail on the head when he observes there are far too many councillors doing nothing.

The worth and effectiveness of most councillors was removed by the anti-democratic enforcement of a ‘cabinet style’ of local government forced upon councils by Blair. When the cabinet system began some 10 years ago all councillors, except members of the cabinet, were removed from the decision-making progress and prevented from taking part in discussion on policy and voting on all measures except the annual setting of the council tax once a year.

What did the other 50 or so councillors do to justify their salary? I can only speak for myself. I found that individual complaints from residents in my area were on the increase as cabinet government proceeded.

Chasing council officers was my main activity, to persuade them to deliver the very service to the public that was part of their job. Often without success.

So Mr Shearon is correct – there are far too many councillors in all councils at every level across the UK. In Worcestershire County Council, 20 councillors would suffice – a reduction of 37. Far better, however, to restore democratic decision-making and enable all elected councillors to represent the residents in their electoral areas in a robust and meaningful way.

Rob Peachey,
ex-City and County Councillor