Sir – I am deeply worried about the continual suggestion by political parties that we should have a referendum on the now permanent Lisbon Treaty or whether we should leave the EU.

May I remind everyone that it is not in the remit of any Parliament or the Queen to authorise such an action – and neither are we, as citizens.

Our Constitution and Bill of Rights represent the integrity of the nation.

The Constitution is protected by the treason laws, making it an act of treason to jeopardise or compromise the Constitution in any way.

Giving the people the right to vote in a referendum, to abandon the supremacy of the Constitution, would be subject to the Treason Act 1351 and the Treason Felony Act 1848.

Regardless of here today, gone tomorrow monarchs and parliaments, if the people abandon the supremacy of their Constitution, they abandon the integrity of their nation, a very dangerous thing to do, for no better reason than political expediency.

Stanley D Parr