SIR – While welcoming Councillor Liz Tucker’s letter “We need to cut our carbon missions,” of October 14, it’s meaningless.

If Coun Tucker really thought our carbon emissions and consumption of the world’s resources was unsustainable, she would be enraged at the millions of people being poured into our nation and the massive housing and infrastructure developments necessary to sustain them. We only have the resources to feed 25 million and the renewable resources to sustain current lifestyles for about 10 million.

If Coun Tucker had any environmental credentials she would be standing on the rooftops proclaiming that such idiocy cannot be allowed to continue, and that immigration and development must cease at once.

The destruction of our global environment, its agriculture and the billions who will starve by mid-century if global warming destroys the world’s glaciers and the rivers they feed, will need a lot more than a ‘1010’ campaign.

How can stores in Worcester sell food produced in Kenya, when Kenyans are starving because climate change has destroyed vital rains, or food from Brazil, by destroying rain forest?
