SIR – Of late, there seems to be a spate of sanctimonious drivel emanating from the ‘we hate humanists brigade’, the latest prize candidate being John E Iebole who smugly informs us: “Humanists have not got a clue about how human hearts, minds and spirits function”. (Letters November 21).

Sadly, I’m not worthy enough to call myself a true humanist but I know many committed secularists and sceptics who campaign with great heart and spirit for a more open and tolerant society without any pandering whatsoever to religious superstition.

However, what I am desperate to know is, what qualities of mind, human compassion and self-worth does Mr Iebole possess that differs from the rest of us who strive so hard for a more moral, equal and happy society? Because the only qualities evident in his unfortunate quote are those of prejudice, bigotry, self-righteousness and a total contempt for those who do not subscribe to his narrow vision of the world.

