SIR – Many will remember the badly-conceived and discredited road scheme planned for Worcester city centre in the 1970s. This new scheme bears all the hallmarks of a resurrection of that old scheme.

Where exactly will the traffic proposed to be removed from Deansway go to get across the river?

Presumably along the City Walls Road which ends at Lowesmoor.

Until sense prevailed, this dual carriageway was destined to continue west from Lowesmoor and cross the river and, in doing so, would have seen most of the buildings between Angel Place and Shaw Street demolished and a fair number in Sansome Street and Foregate as well.

Is that what is now proposed?

Luckily, sense prevailed and the dual carriageway was halted in its tracks.

Professional highway experts were called in to examine Worcester’s traffic problems and in the early 1990s the Colin Buchanan report was published after much deliberation.

This made it clear that the only real solution to Worcester’s through traffic problems was to complete the ring road and cross the river with a new bridge North of Hallow and across the river to Claines, joining the A449.

The ring road scheme was never completed due to funding problems but remains the proper solution for Worcester. The new bridge in the city centre would cause huge consequential damage to the centre and have the only effect of moving the traffic jam 100 metres up stream and bring even more through traffic to the city.

COUN ROB PEACHEY, Nunnery. Worcester.