SIR – Prior to the May 2008 local elections the Worcestershire Pensioners’ Action Group was courted by New Labour councillors and Mike Foster our MP, all showing concern on the then proposed cuts in funding for subsidies to enable the provision, seven days a week, of a freshly prepared, on-site, hot meals for our vulnerable pensioners.

Now that the cuts have taken place and the political support over the pensioners’ meals has vanished, we hope we could be excused for questioning the newspaper headline: ‘Give every child a free school meal, says MP’, and seeing a cynical appeal to the middle classes, and those who already receive very generous child tax credits.

Due to Worcestershire County Council cuts our vulnerable pensioners are still going without their one hot meal a day for the seven-day week. And, unless the calendar has been politically reinvented there still are seven days in a week.


Vice chairman

Worcestershire Pensioners Action Group.