SIR – So, Mike Foster thinks there is “widespread support” for the proposed polyclinic for Worcester does he? Since when does the opinions of just 541 people represent “overwhelming levels”?

I would also like to know who these 541 people were.

The very fact that the survey was conducted by Mr Foster himself speaks volumes.

Why isn’t a real survey conducted? Give the very people that the GPs serve on a daily basis a voice and ask the surgeries to provide the questionnaires.

Or are those the people whom you don’t want the opinions of, Mike?

Previous surveys taken nationwide have clearly opposed these changes.

It’s clear that Mr Foster has only the interests of the Labour Party at heart and no longer serves his constituents. He will certainly no longer get my vote. No doubt, Mr Foster, you will reply to this with indignant righteousness, but not even you can defend the indefensible.

