SIR – While being quite proud to be a Little Englander/Eurosceptic/ anti-Europe fanatic, as labelled by Councillor David Candler and Terry James, Drakes Broughton, I would be devastated to be labelled a New Labour politically brainwashed Europhile.

However, MP Peter Luff is not brave. He is among other Tories, such as Ken Clarke and Michael Heseltine who hunger to get their noses into the money trough in Europe.

Ireland for example, has probably had millions paid by England, which also continues to donate millions in surplus to Brussels daily. Now Ireland’s unemployment numbers are beginning to rise and it has raging inflation that it just cannot control because of EU rules.

So, in recognising that New Labour has no allegiance to England with its crazy openborder policies and habit of selling off our assets to the Europeans, and though I am deeply concerned, it does actually feel quite good to be a little Englander.

