Dear Editor

For the more observant among us it will not have gone unnoticed that there has been a considerable amount of rain lately.

Presumably this is Mother Nature redressing the balance for the very dry summer that we experienced.

Just remember this when water authorities bleat on in August that there is a “water shortage” and you can’t water your plants or wash your car. 

Even though you pay them to provide those services. 

Maybe this has more to do with the fact that they have built no new reservoirs to deal with an expanding population recently to store the excess rain we are currently receiving. (indeed some water companies have actively sold off reservoirs for housing!). 

Let’s be honest, they aren’t actually in any rush to fix leaking water pipes either.
Also remember this - our Prime Minister has recently had a heated swimming pool built at his weekend home in Yorkshire (incidentally, this needed an upgrade for electric supplies when the rest of us are struggling to pay our bills). 

He is so important that he necessitates a private swimming pool but you cannot water your geraniums. 

So it isn’t one rule for “them” and one rule for “us” at all then.....


Julie Reynolds
St Johns