Dear Editor

I read with dismay Cllr Houghton’s ignorant defence of the proposed signage to be erected in Rose Bank Gardens, for ‘signage’ not ‘art’ is what it is. 

This proposal is not ‘a piece of art, albeit it might be a bit modern for some’, it is not a piece of contemporary art in any shape or form, it is not an example of installation art; Cllr Houghton is deluded. 

His defence that the proposed signage will enhance Malvern’s social media profile is spurious. 

As a regular social media user, I can confirm that it is very simple to tag Malvern and share the word about our beautiful countryside and wonderful musical associations - from Mediaeval Passion to Post-Punk with a rich helping of song as performed by luminaries including, of course, the Swedish Nightingale.

Residents of Malvern, of whose opinions Cllr Houghton appears to ignorant, would much rather see their taxes spent on keeping the town centre clean and invested in truly modern projects such as renewable energy.

Go to to read more.

Tania Robertson