Sir - I am no birdwatcher, but I was able to identify nine different species as I joined in the Worcester sponsored walk organised by RSPB on Sunday, April 13.

It was a thrill to see the peregrine falcon through a telescope set up by RSPB staff as well as newborn moorhens peeping' away on the canal, and robins and coal tits flitting in and out of bushes. The walk went alongside Pitchcroft Racecourse, through Cripplegate Park, along the river past the cathedral, through Fort Royal Park, along the canal and through Ghulevelt Park, ending up at the Pump House where it had begun.

What's more, the weather held out, and the sun even shone. It was a lovely fresh spring morning and a great opportunity to walk with like-minded fellow walkers through the parks of Worcester, taking in the wildlife and scenery along the way. It is a shame there were more birds than walkers in this, the first year the event has been held, but hopefully next year more people will join in with what will is sure to become an annual fixture in Worcester's calendar. And hopefully a little money will have been raised for a worthwhile cause.

Sarah Ganderton, Worcester.