SIR - I was delighted to read the article about Himbleton School in the Worcester News.

More than 20 years ago we decided that it was the best primary school in the area and wanted our son to go there.

Fortunately, he was accepted and has gone on to do well in life in many diverse ways. Both my wife and he agree with me that the foundation laid down by Mrs Walker, the headmistress at the time, now regrettably no longer with us, was a major contributory factor in this.

Yet in 1986 a certain chancellor, who shall remain nameless, decided that the school should close and various amalgamations should take place in the interests of efficiency.

As chairman of the Himbleton Parents Action group, which we formed at the time, I can only say that we countered every argument he could produce and the school was saved.

Now I can only feel vindicated that we were right in our views. I am sure that Mrs Walker would be very pleased to know that officially the school is recognised as being of a high standard and I can only thank the present headmistress for continuing to maintain this for the sake of our future children.

J P MOORE, Stock Green, Near Worcester.