SIR - With reference to J Green's letter (Worcester News, April 21) I appreciate his support for the Government's policy but can only emphasise that the actions of this government is making all of us far poorer.

Its abolition of the 10p tax rate makes five million people worse off and its policy on energy by adopting various EU targets means that electricity bills are eight per cent higher than they could be.

Its policy on biofuels as laid down by the EU and the inclusion of biofuels in petrol is causing petrol prices to rise and, far more worryingly, is a major contributory cause of the rise in food prices. A further increase in petrol duty is planned for the autumn.

I can go on listing the various ways that this government is taking more and more out of our wallets. There is a limit to how much of these increases can be offset by changing the various benefit payments and it has to be noted these are never fully taken up by the people at whom they are targeted.

It should be pointed out that J Green's bus pass is not free - it is paid for out of our taxes and every day it is costing us more and more. Frankly, this year is likely to see everyone worse off one way or another and it is primarily due to the ill-considered implications of actions taken by our government.

MARK STARR, Leigh Sinton.