SIR - It saddens me that the one element of the NHS that so clearly works is slandered rather than lauded by the Government and paymasters of general practitioners.

Having spent £11 million on a survey that showed an 84 per cent overall satisfaction rating, and only a four per cent demand for different hours of availability, the Government has decided to remove money from areas of clinical importance and concentrate instead on the perceived vote winner of access.

Canada is so impressed by our primary care service that it has just spent £800 million on developing a similar service. Instead, our own leaders are pursuing the private route for running the service.

Once the share holders realise that the profit margins are small, they will withdraw and leave the patients high and dry.

The provision of alternative provider medical services will result in the closure of existent practices and so they will no longer be available to pick up the pieces once the private contractors have left.

General Practice and family centred medicine is one of the last great stalwarts of this country, and its destruction at the hands of an un-elected Prime Minister will be a travesty.

CATRIANA MILNER, Severn Valley Medical Practice.
