SIR - I left Worcester many years ago and recently returned for a reunion with ex-colleagues. What a shock!

Your planners seem hell-bent on turning the city into a replica of a thousand modernised' towns around the country.

Interesting or quaint buildings have been erased to make way for offices or new homes. Pack em in and we'll get more rate' seems to be the motto.

While the facade of the former Royal Infirmary in Castle Street is being saved - for now - the nurses' home, a fine example of pre-war building, is being demolished entirely.

Surely this could have been up-dated to meet the needs of today's educational students as it housed so many nursing students and their seniors?

While walking around the city on my weekend stay I could not find one new build that could be called interesting, fitting or pleasing.

Maybe you need new planners.

JUNE BAGULEY, Stevenage.