SIR - The Worcester News reported on January 31 that there is to be a judicial review regarding the campaign to save the West Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust's proposals to close the control rooms at Bransford and Shrewsbury.

Over 2,000 people signed a petition to try to save this service from being closed at Bransford which would lose the local knowledge and could endanger lives. The prospect was to move it off the area and be manned by people without local knowledge. And although over 2,000 people signed the petition the trust counted it as just one vote!

Legal aid has been granted leaving a shortfall of about £5,000 which will still need to be raised to cover legal costs. If all those people who signed the petition would chip in a couple of quid each there would be little or no problem.

PETER ALCOCK, Upton Snodsbury.