SIR - Your readers will have been aware of the inordinate increases in the precept for West Mercia police. From 1998/9 to 2004/5 it has increased by a massive 156 per cent.

Continually, while inflation has been in low single figures, West Mercia has busted right through it without a care for the people they are supposed to serve.

This is a quiet area with little crime and at one time West Mercia took from us the least in the country. No longer.

If you are on a pension, like me, or just fed up with their profligacy and find that the possibility of a further tax hike too much to bear, please write to them demanding a reduction or attend the meeting to discuss next year's budget which is on Tuesday, February 19, at Hindlip Hall, Worcester.

RL WILLOTT, Hereford.