SIR - I read with interest the letters recently published regarding parking in Spetchley Road. Some residents of Spetchley Road do have a problem getting in and out of their drives safely due to there being cars parked both sides of their drives and on the opposite sides of the road.

We have to ease out, while also having to watch the traffic coming along the road, from both directions.

We try to avoid going in and out during the peak times, but feel it is taking away our liberty as residents having to arrange our day around the amount of traffic and whether it will be safe for us to venture out of our drives.

I have written to all the authorities I can think of about this and no one has shown any interest in trying to improve the situation, although they all appreciate there is a problem.

I am fully aware that if the problem of parking moves from Spetchley Road it will only go elsewhere.

The answer I feel, is for the sixth form college, County Hall (both of whom have seen a large increase in their personnel in recent days), the businesses at the top of London Road and more recently the new office blocks at Wildwood (all whose students and employees use Spetchley Road as their overspill car parks) to increase their effort in encouraging more use of public transport, car sharing and so on.

R and M CARPENTER, Worcester.