SIR - I just wonder how much money it is costing the county council in settling claims from road users for the damage caused to our vehicles by potholes?

I have noticed more and more potholes, some are small but there some which are downright dangerous.

The high levels of floodwater standing on the road surface and then freezing causes most of these potholes. So, can we blame the county council for lack of maintenance to the roadside ditches and culverts?

Of course we cannot lay all the blame on the county council. Farmers and other landowners do have a responsibility to clear out their drainage ditches as well.

I had to chuckle when you showed a picture of two large motorcycles being handed over to the county council transport team. Are these motorcycle highwaymen going to ride around our county's roads to report where these potholes are?

If that is the case they need not have bothered, all the county council has to do is to ask the thousands of motorists to ring or e-mail in to report whereabouts of the potholes.