SIR - Last autumn, Philip Bushill-Matthews MEP defended the phasing out of traditional lightbulbs and their replacement by low-energy light bulbs as a wise step by the EU.

However, as with all ill-thought out EU diktats we are now reaping the consequences.

The Migraine Action Association and epilesy charities are warning that the flickering action of the the new bulbs will cause migraines and epilesy seizures.

The British Association of Dermatologists, and Spectrum, a group of 20 charities involving skin problems, advise that the lights will increase skin problems significantly.

Now, the Environment Agency points out that the new bulbs contain poisonous mercury and are hazardous waste.

This means you have to check with your council on how to dispose of them and, if you break one, all windows in the room need to be opened and you must carefully pick up the pieces and place in a bag which can be sealed prior to disposal. The change is just another EU regulation which is gesture politics at its worst.

MARK STARR, Leigh Sinton.