SIR - There is excitement over the phase of the PFI- funded new university library and history centre in Worcester. The cash- strapped Worcestershire County Council is giving £6.62 million.

Could the £6.32 million of cuts in older people's services by the county council purely be a coincidence?

There also seems to be a lack of concern from our planners, who seem to be resisting new build or conversions for the rental market.

What I don't see or hear from those who champion this cause is any suggestion about where the 3,000 plus additional students will be accommodated, unless, of course, the pubs intend to open 24 hours, and then the problem is solved.

Well, that is except for the elderly whose services will be further decimated by the forthcoming cuts in jobs, fewer elderly vulnerable people being funded for residential care homes, cancelling older mental health service development specialist care home service, increasing transport charges by 50 per cent, stopping the funding for the preparation of freshly cooked mid-day meals in very sheltered housing, the list goes on up to £6.32 million.

BRIAN HUNT, Worcester.